We offer a wide range of programs that can meet all any goal
you have set for yourself of for your business


Capable business-people can lead themselves and those around them. They are self motivated, have clear goals which they share with their co-workers. They have good knowledge of human nature, are assertive as well as goal-driven, and they can motivate their enviroment.

These qualities are needed at all hierarchical levels in order to master the challenges of the modern business world.

LMI offers non-disruptive courses which take place alongside normal everyday business. The communication triangle between participant, employer and coach guarantees constant feedback and efficient monitoring of progress made.

“Success is the progressive realization of predetermined worthwhile personal goals.”

The definition is at the basis of LMI’s TOTAL LEADER CONCEPT® with its clear focus on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Tangible) goals.

Effective Personal
Productivity® (EPP)

Wellsprings of success, Personal Productivity and Time Management are basic parts of human nature, yet many unknowingly lack the direction they need to achieve desired or even required results.

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Effective Leadership
Development® (ELD)

Most managers and team leaders lack the leadership and managerial skills. Many fail to delegate and, as a result, they find themselves working long hours and eventually fighting burnout.

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Effective Personal
Leadership® (EPL)

Individuals within an organization become more significant as they represent the latter to the outside world. Their personal motivation and self-image are crucial to how they perform, respond, and lead.

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Leadership for Women®

There is no better time to focus on women and the remarkable strides they have made in the last century. This a special program has been developed to assist women in becoming the best leader they can be.

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Effective Motivational Leadership® (EML)

As the world of business has changed and evolved, the need for effective leaders has skyrocketed. For businesses to become truly empowered and innovative enterprises, they must develop leaders throughout the entire organization.

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Effective Strategic
Leadership® (ESL)

Strategic leadership is the ability to lead an organization in order to define and develop the organization’s purpose, key strategies, and optimum structure and to determine which processes will be most effective.

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Effective Team Dynamics®

When a team works effectively and efficiently, everyone wins. A successful team is an example of true synergy in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Effective Communication®

Miscommunication costs business and industry millions of dollars each year. Learning how to communicate effectively is a dynamic process, but it can play a huge role in the longevity of your company.

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Effective Selling Strategies® (ESS)

Successful salespeople aren’t just self-motivated and focused. They truly enjoy interacting with people, and they understand the importance of serving others.

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The Making of A Champion

Achieving success in life is the focus of the Making of a Champion program. Designed specifically for teenagers and young adults, to develop the desire, habits, confidence, and attitude of a champion.

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Achieving Academic Success

Education and knowledge are, and always will be, the cornerstones of success. The 12 core lessons of this program will teach students tap into time and motivation to develop effective habits and goals.

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Attitude is Everything™

What you have become and where you are in your present life can all be traced back to a first cause. You have the power to change, to be, and to do anything…so use this program to do that!

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The Profile Evaluation
System (PES)

This system combines cognitive and personality scales in a normative instrument to provide a well-rounded, comprehensive description of an individual’s aptitudes and personality.

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The Development Needs
Inventory (DNi™)

A 360˚ instrument that is administered over the internet and designed to allow managers, supervisors and others in leadership positions to better understand their strengths and development needs.

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Living with a Sense of
Purpose Workshop

This seminar is geared towards creating Purpose Driven staff members with consistent ability to handle most of the challenges they face in their daily work through developing the staff members.

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Selling with EQ Workshop

Emotional intelligence in selling begins with the recognition that one must meet emotional agendas beyond the buy-and-sell transaction for a buyer to be satisfied with the transaction.

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The LMI Concept/Goals

This workshop allows you to see how we focus on you — your values, self-esteem, confidence, leadership beliefs, and motivations — to create positive behavioral changes which guarantee results.

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“Know Yourself” Workshop

This seminar is geared towards creating Purpose Driven staff members with consistent ability to handle most of the challenges they face in their daily work through developing the staff members.

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“Transactional Analysis” Workshop

Emotional intelligence in selling begins with the recognition that one must meet emotional agendas beyond the buy-and-sell transaction for a buyer to be satisfied with the transaction.

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