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Emotional intelligence in selling begins with the recognition that one must meet emotional agendas beyond the buy-and-sell transaction for a buyer to be satisfied with the transaction. Our skill level in the field of human emotions must keep pace with our expertise in our field of commerce. The reticence that many clients have about dealing with people who sell is quite likely from having done business with individuals who either did not clearly understand these emotional factors or who understood their importance but used them exploitatively.

What does this workshop cover

Moving from Me to We

Understanding Your Personality DNA

Critical Mass for Sales Success

Applied Critical Mass

Six Seconds of Sabotage: From Anger to Danger

Sources of Discouragement

Finding Motivators That Last

Risking Rejection: Getting Past No

Developing Emotional Radar: The Powers of Observation

Shifting Gears: Four Critical Selling Adjustments

What does this workshop cover

The workshop is one day workshop. Starting at 9.00 am and concluding by 4.00 pm.

Participants will be actively encouraged to participate in discussions and group work. The trainer will draw on both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to make the experience and learning applicable to the realities of life.

Schedule a meeting

If you’re interested in any of our programs, fill out the form below
and we’ll get back to you to set a 1-on-1 session


Any Time We Start Something New It Is Exciting And We Are
Very Motivated And Committed. Ut Venenatis, Nisl Scelerisque.

- Christine from FEER McQUEEN


Any Time We Start Something New It Is Exciting And We Are
Very Motivated And Committed. Ut Venenatis, Nisl Scelerisque.

- Christine from FEER McQUEEN


Any Time We Start Something New It Is Exciting And We Are
Very Motivated And Committed. Ut Venenatis, Nisl Scelerisque.

- Christine from FEER McQUEEN